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The military has played an important role throughout my entire life. No, I was never a "military brat," and no, I don't have intentions of joining the military. What I do have, is great respect for the men and women who have been, are or will be in the armed forces.

I am the proud daughter of a military veteran, and I have several members of my family affiliated with the military. I never had the opportunity to move around to different locations, and I never had to experience the idea of starting over with new people. My father retired two years after I was born (I'm the youngest), and I lived in one city my whole life until I went off to college.


"Be the change you wish to see in the world."



Growing up, my father always used his life experiences to help shape us kids into the adults we are today. Some of those experiences were lessons he learned when he was active and subtly passed them down to us. At the time, I never realized his intentions. I just assumed that's how everyone lived their lives, and it was more of a norm for me. Skills such as putting others before yourself, working hard for what you want and arriving on time to events (If you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. And if you're late, you might as well not have come.) were ones I have carried to this day.

Even after his retirement, my father continued working for the government. His selfless and courageous acts inspire me everyday.

Before I came to college, I decided that my main goal in life was to help others, so in return, they can do the same. I decided to become a journalism major because I loved to write, and I loved to help people. With journalism, I have the opportunity to give people a voice that they wouldn't normally have the chance to give. I have the opportunity to make a difference in the world and to tell the truth through my writing. I have the opportunity to help change things for the better.


"Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put all together that overwhelm the world."

Desmond Tutu


So that's what I did. I joined organizations that were dedicated to telling people's stories, I volunteered, and I became an ambassador for the Veteran & Military Affairs. Because if men and women are so selfless to fight for our country, don't you think they deserve the same care and respect from us? The people that they're fighting for? Definitely.

Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. We take this day to honor those who have fallen, who are broken and who are willing to risk everything for us to remain as the nation we are today. The military will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will always be grateful for the lessons in which I was taught. Because I am the proud daughter of a military veteran.

Don't forget to thank those who serve(d) today and every day after that.

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