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Well, I guess this is a goodbye to 2016, and hello to 2017. Last year was … (insert joke about 2016 here.)

For me, I happen to be a New Year’s baby, and I can experience an entire year while also being another year older.

This past year was a complete rollercoaster for me. It came with its ups and downs, its twists and turns – and even went backwards on occasion. But what I will say about 2016 is that it was a ride worth taking.

This past year I grew close to an amazing group of people at The Crimson White but unfortunately had to say goodbye to most of them because they either graduated or moved on, so they could conquer the world. I completed another summer with my internship for the Air Force. I started my senior year of college. (Scary, right?) I began my new job title as Digital Editor for the CW and grew close to another amazing staff. I became an ambassador for the Office of Veteran & Military Affairs where I participated in several activities and made a difference in many lives. I voted in my very first election. I went to the Iron Bowl for the first time ever, and it happened to be my last home game as a student at The University of Alabama. I made memories that I’ll never forget, and I completed the first half of my last year of college.

Before I started college, so many people told me to enjoy every minute of it because with one blink, it'll be over. I believed them at the time, but it didn't really hit me until I found myself sitting in my Ethics class (the class all of my journalism professors during my freshman year warned their students about.) of my last semester.

In a couple of months I'll be a member of what adults like to call the "real world." And no, I'm not talking about the MTV show. And trust me, if the "real world" is anything like the MTV show, I don't want to be a part of it.


"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory."

Dr. Seuss


People say the older you get, the wiser you get. This past year was not only filled with memorable moments for me but also some important lessons.

1. Don't take people or time for granted. Life is short, and things can change in a second. Be nice to everyone, and let your friends and loved ones know you care.

2. Take care of yourself. Your body is like a machine. It can only handle so much before it shuts down. Eat the proper foods. Make good decisions. And take some time for yourself every now and then. Your body will thank you later.

3. Even when things seem bad or impossible, know that it won't last forever. Stay strong. Stay positive. And know that the sun will still rise tomorrow morning.

Many things happened in 2016, both for me and also the world. No matter your opinion of how it happened or what happened, life will go on. It'll be shaped by how we choose to live it. The new year is here. and it's full of opportunity.

So, 2017, show us what you've got.

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